201+ Catherine Ponder Affirmations

Well-known author, Catherine Ponder has written numerous books, but some of her best works surround the power of positive affirmations.

Catherine’s affirmations have the potential to change people’s lives by empowering them with the ability to manifest their lives according to their goals and ambitions.

For these affirmations to work, you need to say them out loud to yourself, allowing your subconscious mind to believe in what you have to say. When you say them out loud, you release certain bottled-up energies into the universe and wait for them to return in abundance.

Tips For Getting The Most Out Of These Catherine Ponder Affirmations

  1. Affirmations work best when heard first thing in the morning. This is because the moment you wake up, whether you wake up to a negative or positive thought, affirmations will inject positivity into your subconscious mind that in turn churns out positive thoughts throughout the day. A positive mindset will not only boost your confidence but also improve your mood and reduce stress and anxiety.
  2. Listening to affirmations on a loop will further embed them in the deep layers of your subconscious mind, thereby breaking the toxic cycle of negative thoughts and emotions.
  3. Use a good pair of headphones to listen to the Catherine Ponder affirmations in a quiet environment where you won’t be disturbed. The idea is to be able to hear and repeat affirmations without being distracted or interrupted!
  4. Affirmations will work when you trust the process, so don’t get discouraged or frustrated if things don’t work out instantly. You will need patience and faith to see manifestation work to your benefit.
  5. Be consistent in your practice of reading, hearing, and repeating affirmations. Whilst playing affirmations on a loop every day is beneficial, being consistent and hearing them every day will boost your vibrancy and allow you to receive the energy you need from the universe!

Catherine Ponder Affirmations

1. “All things conform to the right thing for me now quickly and in peace.”

2. “Today is rich with opportunities and I open my heart to receive them.”

3. “My faith in God sets me free from all worry, anxiety and doubt.”

4. “Why settle for so little in life when you can have so much just by daring to be different in your thinking.”

5. “My prosperity prospers others.”

6. “I am linked with the unlimited abundance of the universe.”

7. “My financial abundance overflows today.”

8. “I invite and allow good to come into my life.”

9. “I release all feelings of lack and limitation and joyfully accept blessings of joy and abundance.”

10. “I now harvest my good as miracles follow miracles, and wonders never cease.”

11. “All that has been done against me now helps me.”

12. “I always look for ways to make the other person a winner; as I help others win, I win as well.”

13. “What you radiate outward in your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures and words, you attract into your life.”

14. “I am in charge of my destiny. I am the builder of my life.”

15. “I was destined to be prosperous. I have abundance to share and to spare.”

16. “I release anything that is not for my higher good and ask it to release me.”

17. “I do not concern myself with any negative appearances. I live my life, knowing my prayers are already answered.”

18. “My energy is open and flowing in every area of my life.”

19. “I deserve the best and accept it now.”

20. “I have faith that I am being guided in ways that bring amazing results.”

21. “To use invisible ideas to produce visible results-from.”

22. “I choose beliefs that bring me aliveness and growth.”

23. “Everyone’s success contributes to my success.”

24. “What you praise you increase.”

25. “Abundance is limited only by my unconsciousness.”

26. “My thoughts are loving and positive.”

27. “I follow my highest joy.”

28. “I am receiving. I am receiving now. I am receiving all the love the universe has for me now.”

29. “I am a special, unique person.”

30. “God is so good, life is so wonderful, and I am so richly blessed.”

31. “I always have more money coming in than going out.”

32. “I have a unique, special contribution to make.”

33. “I know that my greatest goals are achievable. I know that my every dream is reachable.”

34. “I am magnetic to my higher good and it is magnetic to me.”

35. “I am a success. I allow myself to feel successful.”

36. “My path and life’s work are my higher priorities.”

37. “Money flows in my life. I am prosperous.”

38. “My value and worth are increased by everything I do.”

39. “I know the essence of what I want and I get it.”

40. “My inner wisdom guides me to make right decisions and to take the steps necessary to achieve my aspirations.”

41. “Everything I create fulfills me.”

42. “I live in an abundant universe. I always have everything I need.”

43. “I create my own security.”

44. “The desire to be self-supporting and financially independent is a divine desire.”

45. “I now expand quickly into the divine plan of my life where all conditions are permanently perfect.”

46. “Everything in your world is filled with intelligence, even the so-called inanimate objects. Treat them intelligently if you wish to obtain intelligent, harmonious results.”

47. “I love all people and all people love me, without attachment.”

48. “I radiate self-esteem, inner peace, love, well-being, and happiness.”

49. “Abundance and happiness.”

50. “I am the source of my abundance.”

51. “The things I create are even better than I imagine them to be.”

52. “We are where we are because we are what we are, and we are what we are because of our habitual thinking.”

53. “Wonderful things happen to me because I live with an attitude of gratitude.”

54. “I am always in the right place at the right time.”

55. “I love and honor everything I create.”

56. “I have abundance in every area of my life.”

57. “People value and honor my work.”

58. “I bring love and a positive attitude to everything I do.”

59. “I create money and abundance through joy, aliveness, and self-love.”

60. “Everything I do turns into good for myself and others.”

61. “I am an unlimited being. I can create anything I want.”

62. “I focus on what I love and thus draw it to me.”

63. “I picture abundance for myself and others.”

64. “I surrender to my higher good.”

65. “limitation to abundance.”

66. “My life is a positive reflection of my thoughts.”

67. “I expect only the best to happen and it does.”

68. “Nothing is too good to be true. Nothing is too wonderful to happen. Nothing is too good to last.”

69. “I speak of success and prosperity. My words uplift and inspire others.”

70. “I call on divine love to straighten out and adjust this situation.”

71. “I congratulate myself often.”

72. “All my money is working for me to increase my abundance, joy, and aliveness.”

73. “I honor myself in everything I do.”

74. “All the money I spend enriches society and comes back to me multiplied.”

75. “I experience clarity and harmony in all my energy exchanges.”

76. “I always give my best.”

77. “I choose exactly what I want in life, develop the consciousness of those choices, and they appear.”

78. “I allow myself to think and dream in unlimited ways.”

79. “With God’s guidance, my life is filled with joyous successes and rich abundance.”

80. “Everything I do brings me aliveness and growth.”

81. “With expectant faith, I am optimistic and confident.”

82. “All that I have ever given is being returned to me in many forms.”

83. “I now have my ideal life.”

84. “I appreciate all that I am and all that I have.”

85. “All the money I spend and earn brings me joy.”

86. “The word “receive” means “to accept.”

87. “I honor and value my creativity and ideas.”

88. “My energy is focused and directed toward my goals.”

89. “It is through the imagination that the formless takes form.”

90. “I let go of everything and everybody that is no longer part of the divine plan of my life.”

91. “I give myself permission to have what I want.”

92. “I demonstrate love with action every day.”

93. “My life is filled with an abundance of good.”

94. “I am financially independent and free.”

95. “I always choose the path of most light.”

96. “Money flows freely and abundantly into my life.”

97. “I am abundantly provided for as I follow my path.”

98. “The universe is safe, abundant, and friendly.”

99. “I feed my dreams a steady diet of hard work and determination and watch them manifest in my life.”

100. “I find my life’s work by looking within rather than without.”

101. “I fill my mind with the idea of abundance, and abundance manifests in all my affairs.”

102. “I send others thoughts of their increased prosperity.”

103. “I am always being guided to the higher solution.”

104. “I appreciate myself. I give thanks for my wonderful life.”

105. “I commit to my path. I choose aliveness and growth.”

106. “The universe works in perfect ways. It always serves my higher good.”

107. “I give thanks that I am now rich, well and happy and that my financial affairs are in divine order. Every day in every way I am growing richer and richer.”

108. “I expect lavish miracles and blessings to unfold in my life today. I am grateful.”

109. “Your giving is sacred and therefore should be kept secret. It is wise to give quietly with no strings attached.”

110. “Whatever you notice, you are inviting into your life. Whatever you talk about, you are inviting into your life. Whatever you identify with in your thoughts, words, and actions, you are inviting into your life.”

111. “I accept prosperity and abundance into my life.”

112. “I accept the miracles God has for me.”

113. “I give generously to myself.”

114. “I am increasingly magnetic to money, prosperity, and abundance.”

115. “I welcome and enthusiastically accept unlimited abundance.”

116. “Everything I give others honors and acknowledges their worth.”

117. “I deserve abundance.”

118. “The forgiving state of mind is a magnetic power for attracting good.”

119. “Divine love is doing its perfect work in this situation now.”

120. “In this moment, I asked for what I need, knowing that God responds throughout the day. I remember that God is my source.”

121. “Through a feeling of gratitude, I place myself in alignment with all the riches of the universe.”

122. “I forgive myself, knowing that I did the best I knew how at the time.”

123. “I serve others to the best of my ability in all I say and do.”

124. “I am receiving. I am receiving now. I am receiving all the wealth that the universe has,for me now.”

125. “No person, thing or event can keep from me that which the Universe has for me now.”

126. “All answers are within me. I follow my inner wisdom.”

127. “I know what I love to do and I do it.”

128. “My debts represent my and others’ belief in my future earning ability.”

129. “Wonderful things are happening to me now.”

130. “Everything I do adds beauty, order, and light to the universe.”

131. “I will build a new me by focusing on my dreams and going after them.”

132. “I listen to the wisdom of my heart.”

133. “I am open to receive.”

134. “I trust and follow my inner guidance.”

135. “My days are filled with fun and meaningful activities.”

136. “I grow along with my good. I flow along with my good. The work of my hands and the plans of my life are now moving quickly toward a sure and perfect fulfillment. I anticipate the good.”

137. “I trust my ever-increasing ability to create abundance.”

138. “I follow my heart.”

139. “I release all anxiety, doubt, worry, fear to the power within me and I am filled with love, peace and joy.”

140. “When you realize that prosperity is your divine heritage, you should persist in claiming it.”

141. “The presence of joy in my heart releases an abundance of good in my life.”

142. “Today and every day I expect the best.”

143. “You should be prosperous, well supplied and have abundance of good because it is your divine heritage. Your creator wants you that way.”

144. “I surround myself with things that reflect my aliveness and energy.”

145. “I love and trust my imagination.”

146. “I feel good about all the money I spend.”

147. “Today, I let my light shine. I express my unique creativity and am successful in everything I do.”

148. “My goals empower me to become all I was meant to be.”

149. “I have a wealth of valuable skills and talents.”

150. “I flow with the current. I know that everything happens for my higher good.”

151. “Abundance is mine! I give thanks for the unlimited flow of good into my life.”

152. “I now move forward into my expanded good divinely directed and lavishly prospered.”

153. “I think of the things I want and see them as already accomplished.”

154. “I choose goals that reflect what I want most in my life.”

155. “I create what I want with energy. Good things come to me easily.”

156. “I accept and love myself for who I am right now.”

157. “Failure is nothing but success trying to be born in a bigger way. Most seeming failures are just installments toward victory!”

158. “When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.”

159. “All that is mine by divine right comes to me speedily, richly, freely. I am receiving now. It is finished. It is done.”

160. “I am a valuable person. My path is important.”

161. “I choose to live an abundant life.”

162. “I live in an abundant work. All is perfect in my universe.”

163. “I trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way.”

164. “Thoughts of your mind have made you what you are and thoughts of your mind will make you what you become from this day forward.”

165. “I create what I want easily and effortlessly.”

166. “I honor my integrity in all that I do.”

167. “I allow myself to have more than I ever dreamed possible.”

168. “I am alert to my opportunities and I use them well.”

169. “Gratitude moves me from perceptions of lack to manifestations of abundance in all facets of my life.”

170. “Divine love is doing its perfect work in me and through me now.”

171. “Every gift I gives serves and empowers other people.”

172. “Abundance surrounds me. Today I claim my share.”

173. “I honor and use my special skills and abilities.”

174. “I spend quiet reflective time; I hear my inner guidance.”

175. “I can have what I want.”

176. “Love melts situations that seem impossible.”

177. “My choices and possibilities are expanding every day.”

178. “All my money is energy awaiting my command to create good in my life.”

179. “I value my time and energy.”

180. “I am worthy of all that my heart desires. It is my divine heritage!”

181. “I recognize my true Source and let prosperity pour forth into my every experience.”

182. “I have unshakeable faith in the perfect outcome of every situation in my life, for God is in absolute control.”

183. “All my experiences are opportunities to gain more power, clarity, and vision.”

184. “Bountiful miracles and blessings manifest in my life.”

185. “As I do what I love, money and abundance flow freely to me.”

186. “I manifest my goals at the perfect time.”

187. “My beliefs create good things for me.”

188. “My prosperity thoughts create my prosperous world.”

189. “I stir up the gifts of god within me and around me, and i am blessed on every hand with happiness, success and true achievement.”

190. “My money is a source of good for myself and others.”

191. “Practice, patience and persistence assure my success.”

192. “In God’s right action, I now place my full trust. This is a time of divine completion.”

193. “I know my value. I honor my worth.”

194. “My savings act as a magnet to draw more money.”

195. “I am infused with a spirit of excess. Today, I give new life to my goals and dreams.”

196. “I change the world around me by changing myself.”

197. “My beliefs create my reality. I believe in my unlimited prosperity.”

198. “You are prosperous to the degree that you are experiencing peace, health and plenty in your world.”

199. “Everything I give to others is a gift to myself. As I give I receive.”

200. “I send love to my fears. My fears are the places within me that await my love.”

201. “I give myself permission to be all I can be.”

Did You Enjoy Reading These Catherine Ponder Affirmations?

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